What’s better for your Business; Facebook or LinkedIn?

Social media has grown tremendously over the past ten years. It has become a serious marketing tool for companies such as web design Liverpool. But there is one particular aspect of social media has been around since the inception of the internet. Now known as groups, the AOL chat room you used to know has evolved to become so much more, especially for the B2B marketing game.

The groups on any platform allow business owners, marketers and web designers such as web design Liverpool to connect, engage, and share content with their customers. Nowadays, there is two primary social media platform that dominates others, especially in B2B marketing, they include Linkedin and Facebook.

Both of these platforms provide group options with different benefits and features. But which one is the best when it comes to business?

Category 1: Active Users

If the number of active users on the social media platform were to be a big factor when it comes B2B marketing, then Facebook would be the top choice. According to web design Liverpool, Facebook currently has 2.2 billion active users and around a billion of them are inactive groups. Linkedin has 575 million total users. And obviously, not all Linkedin members use groups.

Many people argue that the quality of users is different from each platform, given that Linkedin is associated with professional Network, its users are more aligned with B2B marketing efforts. But at the end of the day, even business professionals spend more time on Facebook than on Linkedin. So in this category, Facebook wins.

Category 2: Group Engagement

Facebook is designed to facilitate personal connections while Linkedin on the other hand, is more focused on professional networking. It is therefore easy to conclude that Linkedin groups could be more beneficial to B2B marketing and promotion.

Within a Linkedin group, members can post discussion, job listings, links, and select an icon, but with Facebook group, members can share photos, videos, create events, host live webinars, tag other members, and even share how they feel. Facebook takes the lead here as well.

Category 3: Group Administrative Tools

As an admin of a business group on either Facebook or Linkedin, web design Liverpool advises that you have a role in managing that group’s culture as well use the group to benefit the company. In this category, Facebook is the limited competitor concerning the group member qualification, group email, and providing group statistics.

Linkedin admins can create an application for pending group members. Once a member is added, the admins can send group members messages and emails

Category 4: Group Conversions

Conversion is what marks the end of a marketing journey. For your group to be successful for the business, web design Liverpool says that it is vital that you know what type of conversions to expect. While the data on Linkedin is less easily available, most advertisers say that their CPC is on average around $6.50.


Since social media and groups have become a marketing tool of their own, this showdown has a clear winner. While Linkedin groups have become a long way, they still are no match for what Facebook groups can do for your business or B2B marketing conversions. When it comes to comparing the number of active users, engagement opportunities, group administrative functions, and conversions, web design Liverpool can conclude that Facebook groups have taken the lead.

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