How Important Is Website User Experience?
At Blue Whale Media, we always stay ahead of the curve when it comes to the latest trends in web design. At the moment, we know there’s an incredible demand on UX-friendly websites – and for good reason!
However, if you have no idea what UX is, then you have no idea how it affects your website design, your visitor experience on your site, or your business as a whole.
This post explains everything you need to know about UX and how it should form the leading design principles of your website.
What Is A Website User Experience (UX)?
Why is UX important for your online business? If you have no idea what UX actually is, let’s unpack that for you before starting.
With a UX-focused design strategy, you’re taking a holistic approach to building your website and displaying your products or services. This strategy focuses on the utility of the product or service, not just the look of the product on your site.
A UX-focused design works with the user experience from the start to the finish of the customer journey. It focuses on the milestones and touchpoints on your site that the customer reaches on their way to conversion.
Apple is a great example of a company with a UX-focused approach. This tech giant brings UX-friendly design to light by creating its device interface, featuring the user in mind. The clean operating system and user-friendly nature of the interface are what brought the company success.
To get to the heart of how your website works, you need to follow this same approach, considering the user first. So, why is UX so critical for your online business and website design?
Why Is The User Experience Important For Web Design?
While UX is a well-known design principle, many designers and business owners don’t quite understand how to integrate this into their design work.
Let’s look at some UX-focused design principles to give you a better understanding of how it affects the functionality and usability of your site in the eyes of your visitors. Our own team of website designers in Liverpool will explain exactly why it’s so important that your website can deliver a good user experience.
A UX-Focused Design Reduces Future Costs
Every online business venture, like any offline business venture, comes with a certain level of risk. However, researching methods and strategies to create a positive UX mitigates this risk, setting your website up for success.
More companies are waking up to the reality that designing their site to prevent user problems from occurring reduces the costs involved with making the necessary changes after development.
Design changes are far easier to implement than future development changes. By getting it right in the design phase, you avoid a costly overhaul further down the line.
Use CTAs to Enhance UX
Place calls-to-action (CTAs) strategically on your site. Using the right CTAs spurs engagement on both mobile and web-based sites.
Make your call-to-actions clear and responsive, with a direct emphasis on what you want the visitor or customer to do when they finish reading your webpage content.
UX-Focused Design Improves Your SEO
The better your UX, the more it influences your SEO ranking. Google looks at the bounce rate from your site, and the dwell time visitors spend on your web pages. These days, you can improve your website SEO by following the best UX principles.
The more time they spend on your site, the higher your ranking in search results. Using a clever approach to making content accessible on your site helps you with better positioning in SERP results. You can read more about how UX affects website SEO with our blog here.
Good UX Improves Brand Loyalty
Designers and marketers aim to collaborate on a design strategy that promotes brand loyalty in the eyes and minds of your target market and visitors.
The user experience on your site is the defining factor for building brand loyalty and trust for your products and services.
Site interactions that provide a seamless user experience that’s enjoyable for your visitors translates to better recognition and further brand loyalty with your audience.
The best UX-focused design helps to attract and retain new visitors while nurturing your existing customer base. Do you know your customer journey? Have you mapped out the customer journey?
A user-friendly web design allows prospects and customers to navigate your site and the sales process easily. Providing storyboards and visual designs help you map the customer journey from beginning to end, resulting in higher conversion rates and improved customer retention with a higher lifetime value.
UX-Focused Design Improves Referrals
Word-of-mouth is still the best source of marketing any website or business. People visit websites and buy products based on social proof.
If your website delivers a good user experience, your visitor traffic is more likely to share the content they find on your site with their network.
Track your best performing content and webpages, and see what you can do to replicate that success in your other pages throughout your site.